Herbal Sore Throat Gargle

gargle herbal medicine herbal remedy kitchen medicine recipe sore throat Mar 23, 2024

Herbal Sore Throat Gargle

2 tablespoons echinacea (see below for subs)
1 tablespoon whole cloves
1/4 teaspoon salt (I use Celtic or Redmond Real)
1 teaspoon raw honey (optional)

Place all (except honey) in a jar and add 2 cups of boiling water. Let it steep until it’s room temperature. Once it’s warm/room temperature then add the honey. Throughout the day, strain some into a cup and gargle with it. Do it as many times as you need to. I typically do it every 1-2 hours and it works great! Best to not swallow. Will last up to 2-3 days covered in the refrigerator.

**If you do not have echinacea you can use dried sage or dried thyme instead.

Works best if you start to use this at the first sign of a scratchy throat and continue to use it until your throat is better.

**I also recommend taking our herbal antibiotic/antiviral at the same time.

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