Herbal Electrolyte / Gatorade Drink

dehydration electrolyte electrolyte drink gatorade herbal medicine recipe Mar 16, 2024

I’m going to say something controversial. Your body NEVER needs Gatorade. NEVER! Gatorade is NEVER a good idea. Our bodies need electrolytes not flame retardant. Yes, one of the nasty ingredients in Gatorade is a flame retardant. So what is a healthier option? A homemade electrolyte drink.

Did you know that you can make a healthy Gatorade / electrolyte drink with any of our syrups? By making it yourself you are saving a lot of money and you won’t be poisoning yourself. Sounds like a win/win!

Recipe (live crazy & free measure all ingredients 😜) :

Coconut water - Harmless Harvest is the brand I recommend
Elderberry syrup - or any of our herbal syrups
Pinch of salt - Redmond Real or Celtic brand

Make a large batch to sip on throughout the day. You can also make a large batch and freeze in ice cube trays and use when needed. Throw those cubes in your kids sport bottle and they will be melted and ready to drink when needed.

Your body will thank you for ditching Gatorade!

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