Digestive Help

acid reflux bloating digestion herbal medicine kitchen medicine Mar 04, 2024


My goal is to help you learn about all the wonderful herbal and natural remedies that are available to you. My prayer is that this information will empower you and help you to become less dependent on harmful pharmaceuticals. 

Do you suffer from digestive issues like acid reflux, bloating, gas etc? If so, did you know you probably already have something in your kitchen that can help?
That something is parsley. Yes, that pretty green leafy herb that you thought was just for decorating your plate at restaurants actually has medicinal properties.

Parsley contains two important compounds, apiol and myristicin. These compounds help promote healthy digestion and relieve digestion issues like reflux, bloating, gas etc.

Parsley also helps enhance bile production which can promote enzyme production to help with nutrient absorption in your food.

Simply eat some fresh parsley before and after each meal. It’s that easy. It’s also very inexpensive. You can get a large bunch of fresh organic parsley for under $3.

Ditch the expensive, toxic and harmful pharmaceuticals and try natural herbal remedies. Your body will thank you for it.


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